Established 1922
Visit the Reston Memorial Park Facebook page for up to date pictures and information.
1. The CENOTAPH was unveiled June 30, 1922 by Sir James Aikens, Manitoba Lieutenant governor. The war memorial of Italian marble cost $3,600.
2. The ALFRED ARCHER MEMORIAL WEST GATE honors his talent in planning the park in 1921 and his dedication as volunteer park supervisor until 1967 – the tailor who loved nature and botany.
3. OHIO BUCKEYE is a native American tree usually growing in warmer zones. The nut like seed was a food and soap source for Native Americans. It is a good luck seed.
4. The treed area just south of the buckeye was the ORIGINAL PICNIC AREA. This former slough was landscaped in 1923 with ash trees. Cost $25 express from Winnipeg.
5. Moving south, if it is late June, the fragrance you smell is from the JAPANESE LILAC TREES. Look way up and see the great creamy white panicles of bloom.
6. Follow the TREE TUNNELS west and head north. Three trips around the park tree tunnels equals a mile. These giant elms and ash were planted in 1922 as a shelter-belt. At the northwest corner of the tree tunnels a pincushion spring flowering shrub [scabiosa] grows. It was well established in 1955.
7. Two LINDEN trees grow on the west side; their sticky yellow spring flowers are fragrant and make a medicinal tea. Leaves are heart shaped and lime green – trees are also known as lime or basswood.
8. Walk to the park center just west of the stage and see the BLACK WALNUT tree- native to eastern North America and Ontario. This prairie adapted tree is remarkable and prized for its high density wood. The fruit is lime green citrus- like with the walnut inside. Squirrels love the fruit!
9. Take note of the MAPLE SUGAR tree standing straight and bold just north of the walnut tree. The SCOTS PINE in this area was donated circa 1930 by Dr. A. B. Chapman, a park founder.
10. TENNIS COURTS were in the original park plan of 1921. A wire net fence and clay court were established in 1938. The Reston Lions Club revived the court with asphalt and new fence in 1979 for the 200 club members. In 2015 the court was resurfaced with new asphalt. Pickle ball court lines were painted along with the tennis and basketball court areas.
11. RESTON & DISTRICT HISTORICAL MUSEUM opened in 1967 – a centennial project of the Reston Lions Club. Joe and Charlie Ashley saw a dream come true with their antiques starter collection of pioneer home, farm articles, Indian artifacts, military, medical and commercial items. Of note is a petrified mosasaur neck bone – a large marine reptile that lived 70 million years ago.
12. The MCDONALD HOUSE is a museum work in progress. ‘Big Mac’ Angus McDonald [1868-1946] came west from Ontario working the railroad. He was a conductor on the Reston Wolseley rail line and this was his house built in 1892.
13. The PLAYGROUND evergreens were brought from Clear Lake as seedlings in the 1920’s.Look up and see the TAMARACK trees. They are the only native Manitoba conifers that lose its needles each autumn. It is the official provincial tree of the Northwest Territories. The new playground and adult exercise equipment were installed 2015, replacing structures of the ‘40’s.
Other mature rare trees growing in our community park : eastern white cedar, white birch, white spruce [Manitoba’s official provincial tree],white pine, burr oak, mountain ash, flowering crab trees, flowering almond shrubs, pink spirea bridal bouquet, mock orange, silver maple.
Alfred Archer - Park Founder
In 2022, a reading nook was created as a Centennial Project.