Payment Options:
Cash, debit, e-transfer or cheque.
Please make cheques payable to the “Rural Municipality of Pipestone”
E-transfers for:
Property Tax | |
Utilities | |
Reston Golf Club | |
Reston Rec Plex | |
**Please send with your account number or a brief description for what it's for so we apply it properly**
We accept on-line payments for Sunrise Credit Union customers.
Instructions for first time set up:
1. Select "Pay Bill"
2. Select "Manage Payee"
3. Select "Add Payee"
4. Search "Pipestone"
5. Select "Pipestone (RM): Property Tax"
a. Your Account Number is your Roll Number with all the 0's, minus the decimal.
Example: Roll Number - 0000000.000 would be Account Number - 0000000000 (10 digits in total)
6. Select "Pipestone (RM): Utilities"
a. Your Account Number is on your water bill.
Example: 000000000 (8 digits)
Automatic Monthly Payments: Below are the forms to fill out to set up Automatic Monthly Payments. Please fill them out and drop them off at the office or email to Call the office to find out what your monthly payment would be.
Option Pay