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Safe Communities Grant

The RM of Pipestone CDC is pleased to announce the Safe Communities Grant that is available to eligible RM of Pipestone Businesses and Public Facilities.

As part of the RM of Pipestone CDC Recovery Plan in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), all eligible RM of Pipestone businesses and public facilities will be able to access up to a $500.00 grant. Starting June 8, 2020 the RM of Pipestone CDC will start accepting applications for the Safe Communities Grant.

The CDC was able to fund a Total of $5,896.18

Successful Applicants for Program:

Dennis County Café, RES Centre, Reston & District Library, Reston Chiropractic Clinic, Reston Drugs, Reston Fine Foods, Reston Memorial Theatre, Reston Nursery School, Reston Rec Plex, Reston School and Senior Helping Hands.